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If you enjoy playing video games, you’ll enjoy creating them even more!

The game developers republic isn’t a business it’s a community, a collective of professionals & veterans that are willing to share there time, knowledge, & work in order to help other developers, artist, & designers avoid many of the mistakes, failures, & lessons we had to learn the hard way throughout our careers. It is our censers hope that the knowledge we pass along can help those that are looking to get in the game industry, develop independent games, or just looking to bring there dream to reality, find at least some nugget of information that helps them in them someway in the future or the present.

Game Developers University

Developed for game creators of all levels, from beginner to advanced, we create comprehensive, easy to follow videos that are designed to help you quickly learn key skills & techniques for game development.

Game Artist Alliance

With videos created & presented by professional game industry artist, this channel was made to help inspiring, practicing, & professional 3d and game artist & designers.

Don’t just play… Create

It is our goal to use our knowledge of game development to bring you free training, game assets, & information that will give you the steps you need to create the next great game.

Over 200 videos, on game design, game art, game mechanics, & creating games with &/or without code.

Over 15K students, with courses ranging from: Getting a job in the game industry, How to create a top down shooter without code, Mastering Lighting in Unity's Legacy & URP Pipeline, & more.

Way higher production quality

"I love that you actually shot scenes that are relevant to the voice over. So many YouTubers just stick random clips up. I far prefer how you have done it. Way higher production quality"

- David Rapp

Well done

"Holy, the quality of this video Well done !"

- Badi Art

Thanks alot

"Thanks alot!! Been thinking of getting into game developing after I get my degree."

- B Clark